Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog 3

The author of this cartoon illustrates that the Supreme Court takes vigorous action on controversial cases. The supreme court takes advantage of its power of Judicial review to rule laws unconstitutional. From the caption, the author also illustrates that the supreme court focuses on ruling current preexisting laws. I agree with author of this cartoon because the supreme court does play an integral role in implementing, or rather ruling, laws that cause reform in America. For example, Brown vs Board played an important role in determining racial equality. In the case, segregation of schools was ruled unconstitutional. The racial separation and buffer in school was broken which provided African American students with more equal opportunities of education. Also, the United States vs Nixon, when President Richard Nixon claimed executive privilege over taped conversations regarding the Watergate scandal, the Supreme Court ruled that he had to turn over the tapes and other documents. This ruling set a precedent limiting the power of the president of the United States from there on. These cases, along with others of great cultural significance, illustrate the Supreme court's determination to assume constitutional review and rule laws unconstitutional.

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